Wednesday, March 6, 2013


I have always wondered about the presence of miracles in Vineet's life. I mean I've always wondered about the fact that they have ALWAYS been there in his life. Some small and some, not so small....some believable and some Unbelievable!! which is why I chose to blog about them....

So, as far as I can take my (albeit poor) memory back, I remember the First Big One-


We had gone to the 'Divine Retreat Centre' in Kerala upon insistence of friends and family coz they had been there and had brought along with them a CD with the numerous miracles that had been taking place there, and among them, a baby girl from Goa who had Spina bifida , and had been completely cured! Our entire family had watched the video with amazement and more belief than us, that Vin too could be healed there.We were told to 'Keep the faith', and off we went.

Kerala was a beautiful place and the 'Divine Retreat Centre" was a very big place. From the very first day I experienced 'Para-normal' things, things which I can speak of here, but it would make the blog very long. So to cut the story short, I have to admit that I didn't make so good a retreat as I would have loved to...I was very distracted , and when the last day arrived and Vin was not healed, I burst into tears. The friends I made there consoled me and said- Keep the faith, sometimes you have to come here again and again to be healed'.

So we came back home. A week or so later, Vin was sitting on the floor and playing and we were higher up beside him- on the bed. Suddenly Vin's dad said- "look, the place on his forehead where there used to be a bulge due to Hydrocephalous, has sunken in and instead there's a dimple!' I looked and sure enough, suddenly the bulge was gone!! We praised God for his mercy on our baby and Believed that He had healed the Hydrocephalous and for good- I told Him- Never again am I going to test Vin for Hydrocephalous- I will keep my faith and You keep yours :) Touchwood, till date Vin has never ever had any Hydrocephalous issues anymore. And its going to be that way for the rest of his life, Amen!!

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