Sunday, March 25, 2018


Hey everyone! Wishing you all a Very Happy New Year! I know its a bit late in the day,😛🤦 but this being my first post for the new year, I had to wish first ...
So I think I left the story about Vin's broken leg incomplete. I shall continue now.
After about a month,  on 25th November 2017 (Saturday), we went for his X-ray to check if things were okay,  and we were pleasantly surprised when the technician told us that Vin's leg was perfectly healed!  He suggested we call him in a day or two to remove the cast. But papa said he'll do it himself! So next day in the evening,  papa removed  his cast. The main reason for hurrying was that Vin was going to perform in his School's Annual Function on the following Tuesday. It would be his last performance in school , and he as well as his Band friends didn't want him to be left out. Vin even went for the final rehearsal a day before with his legs in the cast! What else can he do for music! 

So after removing the cast, there was a problem. His knee wouldn't bend. The doctor said it would move only after physiotherapy for 3-4 days. But Vineet being Vineet, he still went for his rehearsals after 2 days with a knee bent at 30 degrees,and not 90 degrees🤦, with a tool at his feet. I hope I get the pic/video of that rehearsal when this post is ready😅
Concert was fabulous and Vin had a great time playing with his band, though I was worried about the leg. So as soon as his song got over, I brought him back home to his leg settings.After a week or so with regular physiotherapy, the knees were finally bending as before. Praise God! 🙏
Here's the link to the video -

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