Tuesday, February 19, 2013

A newly renovated home with a Front door Ramp!!!

This is probably going to be my First post for 2013! Been busy..very very busy. Had been busy with Saideep's story first which started in mid- December and went on till 1st week of January 2013. All this, while we had already started the renovation process of our home since 1st week of December 2012. So we shifted to the first floor with the rest of the family. There were more wall cabinets added (to make more free ground space for Vin), a low basin for Vineet to wash himself on his own, a low kitchen cook-top ( for Vin to cook if he Ever will!!LOL!)'' i will never ever learn to cook'' --- this has been typed by Vin who was watching me write this blog :) And the BEST part - the front door ramp!! That was the Totally Coolest idea that Vin's dad got while the entrance to the front door was being shifted from one side to right in the middle. Only a small drawback arose - its a wee-bit steep and maybe risky for Vin to be on his own on it. The side railings are yet to be constructed but I'm putting up the foto nevertheless...
Thats the front door ramp (side view)
Ramp (front view) without the side rails yet

So now the entire problem of Vin being lifted up right from his bedroom to the car has been solved! :)) God is SO SO Good!! Thankyou Jesus for loving Vineet so much!! Now Vin can go anywhere he pleases around the house. He can also reach his school books cabinet, story books cabinet, toy cabinet, secret cabinet ;) , and now he can also go to the staircase basement and call out for his cousins on the first floor! Nowadays I see him go right up to the other door and he sits and watches people go by. Now he can go play cricket with his cousins or simply wheel around the by-lanes, even when me and his dad are at work. And for Vin ,the Bestest part is- Now NO ONE can hide from me! not even in the kitchen like earlier, while playing 'Hide -n-seek'!! :))

1 comment:

  1. Happy for Vin! They really need a lot of space to move around.
