Today being the third day without fever, I can safely blog about this untoward incident. So to go back a little, on 10th October, there was a small cyclone crossing over us and it led to flooding in our area which is one of the lowest in our town. No matter what the civic authorities do, we are the first to get flooded invariably. It has become our way of life. So as usual we removed all that had to be removed from the lower parts of our cabinet, etc and went off upstairs to the first floor where Vin's grandma stays. There we waited for the water to recede from the house so we could start cleaning. By evening when the house was all set, Vin said he wanted to go back down.
There at the last 2 steps, was a little bit of water and even though I was right in front of them, I couldn't stop Vineet in his dad's arms from slipping and falling with a loud thud. For a moment I didn't know what to do. Then other members rushed and helped Vineet and his dad. We checked them both for injuries, especially his dad coz we thought he might have broken something. But thankfully he was okay by the grace of God😇🙏 Vineet also looked okay. But he was shaken!
Then before we were off to bed in the night, Vin got a light fever with chills. I brushed it lightly and went off to bed. The fever went away early morning but came back later in the day. I gave him paracetamol. The fever went off and came back just as its effect wore off after 6 hours. So naturally we took him to a doctor who prescribed medicine for flu and cold which was in the air. He also suggested we do an x-ray of his chest as he was coughing badly. Next day as we changed him to take him for x-ray, we noticed a big bulge just above his knee on the left leg. Something was definitely wrong there... The x-ray confirmed our fears- there was a fracture in the femur bone just above the knees . And the fever wouldn't leave. Next we consulted an Orthopedic who prescribed some more calcium medicines along with a knee corset for Vin. 7 days passed and the fever wouldn't go. Then came the Urine culture report and it showed e. Coli infection. So now there was a UTI (Urinary Tract Infection) as well. So we consulted another Doctor who prescribed Antibiotic Injections (twice daily for 5 days!!) and also casts for the legs. She rightly observed that since Vineet had zero sensation in his legs, the corset could move and he would not be able to sense the pain and hence the healing would take longer.
So to make the story short, his fever went off after 3 injections and I still wonder if it was a very big coincidence that the fever came the night he fell and also the UTI occurred the same time? And the mild chest infection too...
Update (24th October 2017)
So today he finally got his casts on. The last time I saw casts in the family was when Vin's grandma had a fall a few years back. Please pray for Vin's speedy recovery.. Thankyou!
(Poor thing, he's going to spend his 18th birthday in casts...)